The Effect of Auditory Stimulation Using Murotal on Pain Scale, Blood Pressure, and Heart Rate in Acute Phase Stroke Patients

  • Irman - Irman Universitas Medika Suherman
Keywords: Acute Phase Stroke, Auditory Stimulation Using Murotal, Vital Signs


The Stroke Acute Phase is the first stage after a stroke. In this phase, sufferers may experience an imbalance in vital signs in the form of acute pain responses, and changes in blood pressure, and heart rate, so comprehensive care is needed by nurses in the Stroke Care Unit Room. This research is a continuation of previous studies, what is different is that this time the researchers conducted an analysis of how many days this auditory stimulation intervention was given to provide the maximum significant effect in reducing pain, blood pressure, and heart rate in acute phase stroke patients. The sample of this study was 50 patients with a total of 25 respondents per group. Pretest and posttest measurements for 5 consecutive days. The results of statistical tests using GLMRM (General Linear Model Repeated Measures) concluded that auditory stimulation interventions using murrotal had maximum results on day 5 in reducing pain, blood pressure, and heart rate in acute phase stroke patients.


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