Peduli Kebersihan Lingkungan Melalui Program One Day Cleaning di Kelurahan Bilokka Kabupaten Sidrap

  • Sulkifli Nurdin Institut Teknologi Kesehatan dan Sains Muhammadiyah Sidrap
  • Sri Sakinah Institut Teknologi Kesehatan dan Sains Muhammadiyah Sidrap
  • Sulaeman Sulaeman Institut Teknologi Kesehatan dan Sains Muhammadiyah Sidrap
  • Asnuddin Asnuddin Institut Teknologi Kesehatan dan Sains Muhammadiyah Sidrap
  • Wahyuni Wahyuni Institut Teknologi Kesehatan dan Sains Muhammadiyah Sidrap
  • Suci Ramadhani Institut Teknologi Kesehatan dan Sains Muhammadiyah Sidrap
Keywords: Peduli, Kebersihan Lingkungan, Bakti Sosial


Environmental cleanliness is a very urgent thing for the community, especially the people of Bilokka Village, Sidrap Regency as one of the efforts to prevent the transmission of diseases caused by the lack of environmental cleanliness, so one of the solutions carried out is by community service to the lecturers and students of the Muhammadiyah Sidrap Institute of Health Technology and Science, namely environmental cleanliness activities through the one day cleaning program in Bilokka Village Sidrap Regency. The purpose of this community service activity is to help overcome environmental cleanliness problems in the community, especially in Bilokka village, Sidrap Regency, train students to have an attitude of concern for the environment, and realize Higher Education Chess. This activity is a Community Service Activity carried out by Lecturers and students of the Muhammadiyah Sidrap Institute of Health Technology and Science and the community and also supports the Bilokka Village Government and the presence of all Army units, This activity was carried out in Bilokka Village on Friday, May 10, 2024, Community Service with the Social Service method,  This environmental cleanliness activity began with the preparation of lecturers and students of the Muhammadiyah Sidrap Institute of Health Technology and Science, departing for the location, doing social service by cleaning the area of the cleaning location, collecting and disposing of garbage, after completion, the participants returned to their respective addresses. In general, the community service activity with the theme "Caring for Environmental Cleanliness through the One day cleaning Program" went well and smoothly. and received full support from the Bilokka Village Government and with this community service activity, it is hoped that the community will have the motivation to maintain environmental cleanliness.
